Murder of Sharron Erickson by James Marrs profiled on A Time To Kill

Mugshot of James Marrs
James Marrs pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder of Sharron Erickson. Pic credit: Nebraska Dept. of Corrections

A Time To Kill is investigating the savage murder of recently retired Sharron Erickson by neighbor James Marrs in the quiet town of Colon, Nebraska, in 2003.

Marrs had been living a mere 73 feet away from Erickson, a beloved and valuable member of the community, when he invaded her home and strangled her to death in the most brutal manner.

During the night of June 30, 2003, Marrs entered Erickson’s property without her knowledge. While she slept, he scaled a six-foot fence, pried open a screen door with a chisel, and cut the telephone wire.

Marrs also set off an alarm causing Erickson to awake and grab an unloaded Beretta firearm, which she hoped would scare off the intruder. Unfortunately, that failed to work as the twisted killer began to chase the 66-year-old retiree.

Erickson attempted to escape by running to her car in a garage across the street, but Marrs caught up to her and beat and strangled her to death.

Sharron Erickson fought back hard against James Marrs

An autopsy revealed that Erickson had multiple defense wounds and that Marrs had punched her in the face. He then strangled her with his hands before he switched to pinning her neck with his foot. He had also sexually assaulted her.

It was the sexual assault that led to Marr’s downfall as the cops were able to get a DNA sample of sperm from Erickson’s clothing, which matched his profile. He tried to claim that he had had a consensual sexual affair with the pensioner, but the police weren’t buying his lies.

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Marrs managed to implicate himself further while awaiting trial in custody by admitting to no less than eight inmates that he was the killer.

In the end, Marrs finally admitted what he’d done and decided to plead guilty to second-degree murder. He was sentenced to life in prison but will be eligible for parole from 2026.

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A Time To Kill airs at 9/8c on Investigation Discovery.

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3 years ago

These are nice to hear about.
I just wish you would also tell which episode it is so I can find it.

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