In 2002, LeeAnn Mangrum was brutally beaten at her mobile home and was drowned to death in a nearby Creek in Tennessee. Her killers were her ex-husband’s new wife, Kimberly Mangrum, and her two children, 15-year-old Terry Jr, and her 11-year-old daughter.
The children would later testify that Kimberly Mangrum woke them up in the early hours of September 8, 2002, and that they drove to LeeAnn Mangrum’s mobile home. There was a confrontation that ended when Kimberly struck LeeAnn with a baseball bat knocking her unconscious.
They then drove to a river where Kimberly forced her stepson to hold LeeAnn’s head under the water with his foot until she drowned. The body was discovered later that day by a fisherman.
Prosecutors argued that Kimberly was jealous of the relationship between LeeAnn and her two children, which was her motive for the murder.
The children had previously been living with LeeAnn Mangrum. Still, Kimberly Mangrum allegedly persuaded her new husband, Terry Mangrum Sr, to bring a court case against his ex-wife and win custody of the two children.
The children said they were terrified of stepmother Kimberly Mangrum
Terry Jr testified against his stepmother accusing her of having a history of violence and of previously making threats against him and his mother. He spoke of being terrified by his stepmother.
Kimberly’s defense lawyers argued that Terry Jr was not as afraid of a stepmother as he made out, pointing to the fact that he regularly stole pain medication from Kimberly.
Watch the Latest on our YouTube ChannelThe defense also argued that the relationship between LeeAnn and her children was quite acrimonious. They suggested that it was likely that the children had gone to their mother’s home intending to rob her but that “things got out of control,” resulting in her death.
Kimberly’s DNA was discovered on a cigarette at the scene of the crime; however, the defense lawyers argued that this was the only solid piece of evidence linking her to the murder.
Mangrum was charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated kidnapping, first-degree premeditated murder, felony murder, and four counts of criminal conspiracy. She was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder and was given a further 25 years for the additional crimes.
Terry Mangrum Jr. was also charged with murder for his role in his mother’s killing. He was 17 years old at the time of his trial and was transferred from juvenile court to be tried as an adult.
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Southern Gothic airs at 10/9c on Investigation Discovery.
Jealousy is a powerful emotion, but what sort of person would force children to attack their own mother?
The 15 YO, at least, was old enough to say NO.
I’m sad to watch today this episode of Southern Gothic I think it was on. I never seen the entire episode, and did record it Sunday. How sad. RIP to her. That was so cruel. I know Rene Mangrum has been at peace, in heaven,but I do not think her son should’ve gotten a light sentence. I don’t see how he can live with himself. I really can’t. Then, to as reported “step on mom neck area?”Seriously? In the water, smh Evil. He was 15 or 16 year old-teen child, not 10 or 13. EVIL.. Sad. RIP
I agree. He was not some little boy. He was a kid, under eighteen, but you’re 15 years old or 16, 17 that is big enough, old enough to know right from wrong here. May the mother, Kimberly Rene Mangrum memory be remembered by those who “Truly” loved her, because this is a shame. May the KILLER not be blessed, while doing her time in prison, and may the son NEVER forget what he took part in. Disgusting. Beyond nefarious.
Generosa here, got the name wrong, so I return to correct that the nice lady who was murdered for no reason at all is not the murderer Kimberly Mangrum, but I am re-posting to say RIP to the mom, the innocent good mom, Leeann. Not Kim.
I think it’s convenient the kids both put it in the adult. They were definitely old enough to say no. He was a very big kid. Just easier to blame the step Mom even after the son had said he committed the murder. I just think it’s awfully convenient. Do I think the step mom killed her of had them kill her? Yes I do but I think the kids got their story straight with each other so they could pass it all off on her. I just think the kids were old enough to just say no. And if they were where their Mom was? Just incredible to me.