Murder of Ron March by Lance Standberg spotlighted on Fear Thy Neighbor

Police tape

ID is re-airing the Fear Thy Neighbor investigation into the murder of Ronald “Ron” March, who was stabbed to death by his former neighbor Lance Standberg outside his apartment in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

On August 8, 2012, the remains of 58-year-old March were found in an alleyway outside his new apartment. He had been stabbed 12 times, and a long incision along his neck had severed an artery, which caused him to bleed to death.

March had previously lived in Burnaby, an eastern suburb of Vancouver, and had lived close to Standberg and the killer’s female roommate. March suffered from an autoimmune disease and bonded with Standberg’s roommate, who lived with a similar illness.

Unfortunately, March and the roommate had a falling out, which seemed to enrage Standberg. Shortly before the murder, Standberg twice attacked March, hospitalizing him on the second occasion by splitting his ear.

March had had enough and decided to move to Vancouver. The twisted Standberg actually followed and filmed the March’s removals van to the new apartment.

A few hours after the murder, a squad car spotted Standberg driving erratically just around the block from the murder scene. The killer tried to escape the officer, which led to a brief car chase before the police cruiser rammed Standberg’s vehicle, which ended with his arrest.

Lance Standberg charged and convicted of killing Ronald March

In the meantime, homicide detectives had already identified Standberg as a person of interest in the murder. He was soon charged and convicted.

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In November 2014, Supreme Court Justice Jim Williams sentenced the murderer to life in prison. However, he will be eligible for parole after 25 years. Standberg has shown zero remorse and continues to maintain his innocence.

At the sentencing, Justice Williams told the killer, “It’s hard to conceive of an act so callous, done for so little apparent reason. I find you, Mr Standberg, were the ultimate bully.”

The judge also stressed that March had done absolutely nothing to warrant such a violent attack.

Murder victim Ron March enjoyed helping others before Lance Standberg attack

In a victim impact statement, March’s sister Linda Bierbrier spoke about her brother’s intelligence and gentleness, his willingness to help others, and the fact that he was her only living relative.

Bierbrier said, “Now, due to the hand of another, we will not have any opportunity to share experiences and spend time together. My brother was brutally stabbed to death. He literally suffered to his last breath and now is gone and is never coming back.”

This episode of Fear Thy Neighbor airs Friday at 7/6c on Investigation Discovery.

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