Murder of reality TV star Loredana Nesci by boyfriend Robert Reagan examined on Death By Fame

Mugshot of Robert Reagan
Robert Reagan is serving a lengthy sentence for killing Loredana Nesci. Pic credit: Redondo Beach Police Department

Death By Fame on ID is investigating the murder of Loredana Nesci, a reality TV star who was butchered with a Rambo-style knife by her boyfriend, Robert Reagan, at their home in Redondo Beach, California.

Loredana Nesci was a 47-year-old former LAPD officer turned TV lawyer. Loredana had built a career as a lawyer and had a legal-themed radio show before Sundance TV offered her a show about her day-to-day life called Loredana, Esq.

The show’s star soon became known as the Legal Diva, as the program aired for six episodes in 2014. The show featured her partner Reagan and their son Rocco. Loredana and Reagan were often seen arguing on the show, especially about financial matters.

In the early hours of July 22, 2015, Loredana and Reagan are believed to have started arguing again. However, this fight ended when Reagan, a bodybuilder, stabbed Loredana to death.

Reagan used a Rambo-style serrated hunting knife to create a 7-inch gaping wound in Loredana from her breast to her navel. He also trusted the knife into her at least four times.

The killer covered Loredana’s body with a comforter and left her on the bedroom floor. He then called his sister, asking her to pick up his son, showered, and went to the bank. Five hours later, he dialed 911.

Robert Reagan arrested for killing TV lawyer Loredana Nesci

The cops arrested Reagan on suspicion of murder later that day. He told the cops it was self-defense, claiming Loredana had come at him with the knife, and after a struggle, she was accidentally impaled. Reagan said he waited five hours before calling for help because he knew she was already dead, and he didn’t want their son to see his mother’s body.

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The police were not buying Reagan’s story. They questioned why there was blood on the screen door and why Loredana’s injuries didn’t correlate with an accident.

Eventually, a jury found Reagan guilty of second-degree murder. During the trial, Reagan was described as lazy, childish, sick, demented, and cruel. The prosecution said he killed Loredana because he didn’t want to go through an expensive separation, having already been through a divorce years previously.

Robert Reagan sentenced to 16 years for Loredana Nesci killing

At the sentencing, Judge Mark Arnold gave Reagan the maximum time in prison allowed by Californian law; he received 16 years to life.

Arnold told Reagan, “Your conduct has shown that you are callous, you are cruel, selfish, and brutal, and now it’s time for you to pay.” The judge added, “Deputy, take him out of here.”

He is scheduled for a parole suitability hearing in June 2027.

Death By Fame airs Mondays at 9/8c on Investigation Discovery.

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Laufel Murphy
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