Murder of Loren High by Porsche Humphery highlighted on Snapped

Mugshot of Porsche Humphery
Porsche Humphery admitted to shooting her ex-boyfriend. Pic credit: Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office

Oxygen is re-airing the Snapped investigation into the murder of Loren High, who was shot dead by his ex-girlfriend Porsche Humphery at his home in Milwaukee, Minnesota.

At the beginning of 2017, High was trying to permanently end the on-again, off-again relationship he had had with Humphery.

High’s friends knew he was having problems with Humphery, who had become obsessive and threatening. She had allegedly told High that she would call people to hurt him.

On February 1, 2017, High agreed to meet up with Humphrey at his home when he hoped the situation could be resolved. He texted his new girlfriend, “Having a much needed conversation with my ex to get closure. Wish me luck.” That was the last time anyone heard from High.

On February 5, High’s friends became concerned when they didn’t hear from him. One friend went over to High’s house and found him lying on the living room floor with a bullet hole in his chest.

High was shot with a .40 caliber. The police found used and unused .40 caliber ammunition at the crime scene. They later learned that High owned a .40 caliber firearm that Humphrey had known about and was now missing.

Police found Porsche Humphery fingerprint at Loren High murder scene

At the crime scene, the investigators found a piece of glass with white powdery residue; they uncovered Humphrey’s fingerprint on the glass.

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Humphrey arrived for a police interview with extensive paperwork detailing where she was and what she had done on February 1. The detectives were surprised because so far, they had only asked her where she was on February 4 and 5.

The cops became more suspicious when, despite the detailed paperwork, Humphrey kept changing her story.

She insisted she was not at High’s house on February 1, but her Gmail account data indicated that was a lie.

Police say Porsche Humphery killed Loren High and tried to cover up the murder

Humphrey was spotted on security footage on February 1, and the same clothes she was wearing were then found hanging up in her bathroom with a strong smell of cleaning fluid. The cops speculated that she had been trying to scrub away blood and DNA evidence.

In March 2018, Humphery agreed to plead guilty to second-degree reckless homicide. She was sentenced to nine years in prison and another six years of extended supervision.

This episode of Snapped re-airs Tuesday at 6/5c on Snapped.

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