Killer Relationship With Faith Jenkins is examining the murder of Jacquelyn Smith by her husband, Kevin Smith, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Keith was aided in the murder by his adult daughter, Valeria Smith. The pair had tried to claim that a panhandler had stabbed 54-year-old Jacqueline at an intersection, but this turned out to be a hoax.
On November 30, 2018, the three were out celebrating Valeria’s birthday and were supposedly on their way home when Keith drove the car to Baltimore’s Druid Hill Park, where he stabbed his wife five times.
Keith and Valeria then disposed of the murder weapon and Jacquelyn’s wallet and necklace.
The killer contacted the police, claiming Jacquelyn had been killed by a panhandler at an intersection. Keith said his wife had rolled down the car window to give $10 to a female panhandler but that a male had suddenly appeared at the window, and he had stabbed and robbed Jacquelyn.
The police were confused by Keith’s story because surveillance footage, along with cellphone and Google data, showed Kevin hadn’t driven through the intersection where he claimed the murder occurred. An autopsy also determined that Jacquelyn was likely asleep when she was stabbed.
Keith Smith tried to flee the US after killing his wife, Jacquelyn Smith
During the investigation, the police obtained wiretaps and more cellphone data that showed Keith was trying to flee the country. He bought one-way flight tickets to Cuba and Canada and inquired about traveling to the Virgin Islands. However, he was unable to flee the country because he didn’t have a passport.
Watch the Latest on our YouTube ChannelKeith and Valeria then attempted to travel by car to Mexico, but they were apprehended by officers near the border in Cameron County, Texas.
The police believe that Jacquelyn was considering a divorce. The prosecution would later argue that Kevin’s motives were financial as he attempted to claim life insurance on his wife a few days after her murder.

Valeria Smith pleaded guilty to accessory to murder and agreed to testify against her father. She received a five-year prison sentence.
Keith Smith sencentend to life for Jacquelyn Smith murder
A jury found Keith Smith guilty of first-degree murder, and he was sentenced to life with an extra three years for the use of a deadly weapon.
At the sentencing, Circuit Court Judge Jennifer Schiffer told the killer, “The victim had no way of knowing her husband would stab her over and over again. The victim was the definition of defenseless and vulnerable. She was asleep. He blamed vulnerable people: panhandlers.”
Jacquelyn’s sister, Yzonne Saab, told reporters, “This didn’t bring her back, but we were elated and feel that definitely justice was served.”
Killer Relationship With Faith Jenkins airs Saturdays at 8/7c on Oxygen.