Marilyn Gandert murdered by her daughter-in-law Alissa Bickett and grandson Drake Bickett

    Mugshot of Alissa BickettAlissa Bickett received 30 years in prison for her role in the murder of her mother-in-law, Marilyn Gandert. Pic credit: Albuquerque Police Dept.

The Murder Tapes profiles the horrible case of Marilyn Gandert, a 65-year-old grandmother from Albuquerque, NM, who had spent 30 years working for the postal service and was loved by everybody.

“Working with Marilyn was just relaxing. That’s the best word to use. Things didn’t get to her. She didn’t sweat the small stuff,” Marilyn Gandert’s colleague, Christopher Montoya, said. “She was always there for her customers,” said another.

However in January 2018, her body was found dead out in the desert, her remains had been set on fire. Marilyn’s murderers were her daughter-in-law, Alissa Bickett, her grandson Drake Bickett, and the Bickett’s roommate Annie Rael.

A family of murderers

Marilyn’s son Ryan married Alissa Bickett, and the couple had three children; they lived in a house owned by Marilyn. Ryan, who was abusive to his wife, killed himself some years previously in a game of Russin Roulette.

Years later, Marilyn and Alissa Bickett would get into a dispute over rent, which led to Marilyn attempting to evict her daughter-in-law. Marilyn had been subsidizing Bicket and her family and their roommate, Annie Rael, for years before deciding she’d had enough, and she moved to evict them.

Alissa Bickett, Drake Bickett, and Annie Rael hatched a plan to avoid eviction by murdering Marilyn.

Rael would eventually confess her part in the murder and testify against Alissa Bickett and her son Drake Bickett. Rael told investigators that “at a nod from Alissa,” she tackled and beat Marilyn Alissa.

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Marilyn Gandert was clubbed and stabbed to death

Bickett then joined in the beating with a small club, bound Marilyn’s hands and feet, and put plastic bags over her head before Drake Bickett stabbed her repeatedly in the neck. They then dumped her body in the desert.

District Court Judge Cindy Leos said that Alissa Bickett appeared to be the ringleader with the other two just going along for the ride.

Alissa Bickett was sentenced to 30-years in prison, while her son Drake, who was found to be just slightly, “slightly less culpable,” then his mother received just under 30 years. Rael was given 12 years for her role in the killing.

More from The Murder Tapes

Follow the links to be about more grisly crimes from The Murder Tapes, such as the killing of Judith Therianos by Timothy Frederick Johnson. A blunt force trauma killed Therianos to the head while the pair had sex.

Then there’s the case of Maurice Goins, who was killed and then robbed by his homeless friend Charles Muscatello after they had an argument.

Watch The Murder Tapes at 9/8c on Investigation Discovery.

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Harry L Gandert
Harry L Gandert
4 years ago

Marilyn was my little sister – I;ll miss her every day of my life.

1 year ago

So sorry for your loss. I wish nothing but horrible things for her killers. I worked 5 years in a prison and believe me there are crimes that other prisoners don’t take kindly too. This is one. My God bless you and your family forever

9 months ago

Im so sorry. I’m 64 and raising my deceased son’s children. I often wonder if they will successfully make it out on their own or if everybody will live with me forever. She sounded like such a good person.

Stacye Johnson
Stacye Johnson
4 years ago

If u ever feel the need to kill someone go to New Mexico to do it. Full confessions to a premeditated horrific murder, so much suffering over nothing. And they get 12 years, 20 to 30 years..!?!? In many states it would’ve been either death or at least life no parole. I just don’t get it. Be a killer in NM, but try real hard to not be a victim. You won’t get justice. This punk demon of a grandson and his monster mother will be out killing again in no time. Good luck citizens of NM when that happens. Then again I’m sure there are many more like them out running amok there already with sentences like that. Slap in the face to the victims loved ones. I’d be waiting for the day they got out to give them a welcome home party.

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