A jury in Concord, New Hampshire, has found Logan Clegg guilty of second-degree murder in the shocking deaths of Stephen and Djeswende Reid.
Clegg, 27, was found guilty of callously shooting the retired couple as they hiked along a trail near their Concord apartment. At the time, the killer had been living nearby in a tent in the woods. There was seemingly no motive for the murders.
The killer will be sentenced next month and faces a sentence of up to life in prison.
On the afternoon of April 18, 2022, Stephen and Djeswende, known as Wendy to her friends, went hiking along the Marsh Loop Trail, less than half a mile from their home. Unfortunately, they encountered Clegg, who shot the pair dead and dragged their remains into a gully about 30 yards off the trail.
The Reid couple were reported missing a couple of days later, and their bodies were discovered on April 21.
The cops had found and questioned Clegg at his tent the night before the bodies were found. He gave them a false name and denied seeing the couple. They later went back to question Clegg, but he had set fire to his campsite and fled the area.
Witness saw Logan Clegg near the murder scene in Concord, NH
In the meantime, a witness came forward with a description of a man they’d seen near the crime scene shortly after they had passed the Reid couple and heard gunshots. The description matched Clegg.
Watch the Latest on our YouTube ChannelIn October, Clegg was eventually apprehended in Vermont. He was caught with the murder weapon, a 9 mm handgun, in his backpack. He also had a one-way plane ticket to Germany, a Romainian ID card, and about $7,000 in cash.
The cops were able to prove from shell casings recovered from the crime scene that Clegg’s firearm was the weapon used in the murders.
Logan Clegg convicted of second-degree murder and other charges
A statement released yesterday by the New Hampshire Attorney General said Clegg was convicted of second-degree murder under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to the value of human life.
He was also found guilty of falsifying evidence and of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
The Attorney General also thanked “our law enforcement partners, especially the Concord Police Department, for their excellent work on this case.”
The victims’ son, Brian Reid, said about yesterday’s verdict, “A liar, a thief, a murderer has been brought to justice today.”
Reid also paid tribute to his parents, “The legacy of my parents’ humanitarian work, their kindness, and their love for life will endure. Let today be a reminder of the value of human life and the strength of community.”