Joseph Jackson shot neighbor James Cole in the neck after complaints about his 50 dogs

Joseph Jackson loved dogs but keeping 50 proved too much for neighbors, he responded by shooting one in the neck – Fear Thy Neighbor investigates the case.

Texas resident James Cole moved in with his girlfriend and the pair initially got on OK with their neighbor, Joseph Jackson.  Jackson was a handyman, who also liked to breed dogs and who’d recently began to increase the number of dogs he was keeping at his property. As the number of dogs hit 50, Cole started to report Jackson to the police and other authorities saying that the animals were becoming a nuisance and could even be dangerous.

Things came to a head one morning in in 2006 when Cole awoke to find several of Jackson’s dogs running around the property where he lived with his girlfriend and family. Jackson was attempting to round up the dogs and Cole went down to the mailbox to speak to him. Their exchange soon became heated and Jackson went back to his house to get a gun. When he returned, Jackson pointed the gun at Cole’s chest and threatened him and his family. Cole then attempted to push Jackson away, at which point Jackson shot him in the neck.

Luckily Cole survived the attack and Jackson was soon arrest and charged with  aggravated assault. He was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison, with the verdict being upheld on appeal.

Fear Thy Neighbor – Pack Mentality – airs at 2:00 PM on Investigation Discovery.

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charita dubois
charita dubois
4 years ago

This man and his girlfriend house was disgusting..No animal was fit to be in there, let alone a cockroach..I just saw him on the episode .. He feels he is right..He needs help in his head…I was so pissed at his non sympathetic behavior for shoot this young man…. And if he care so much about them dogs…then why have them in that filthy PLACE..btw his girlfriend is a dirty nasty female…

7 months ago
Reply to  charita dubois

Dirty nasty female? That’s harsh. She didn’t do anything wrong, she just stood by her man. Right or wrong what he did, the felon poked the bear a little too much. If someone poisoned and beat my animals it wouldn’t be a stretch to want that person severely injured.

3 months ago
Reply to  Chris

That man was wrong and if he loved those dogs they wouldn’t been so many of them knowing he couldn’t take care of all of those dogs.. and his girlfriend is disgusting for allowing her home to get like that..his neighbors don’t’ have to live like that smelling dog sh*t everyday so yeah he belongs in jail for shooting that boy and for neglect to those animals and so should his girlfriend be locked up as well🤷🏽‍♀️

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