Dead Silent is investigating the case of Lisa Holden, who was imprisoned and savagely beaten and threatened by her own husband, Josh Holden, for seven years at their home in Van Zandt County in east Texas.
In March 2012, a motorist on a rural road in east Texas spotted the severely injured 27-year-old Lisa Holden at the side of the road. She was badly bruised and beaten with wounds all over her body, and her legs were broken.
The authorities later learned that this brave woman had hidden with her two daughters from her vicious attacker for two days. They had hidden in the woods as Lisa attempted to flag down help from passing cars while drifting in and out of consciousness.
The vicious attacker had been her husband, Josh Holden, and he had kept his wife locked in their rural home where she was abused, beaten, and tortured for a horrifying seven years. Josh had even set up surveillance cameras to watch her every move.
One day, on March 20, 2012, Josh began beating Lisa after supposedly become angered that she wasn’t readying their daughter for school quickly enough. He savagely beat her with a baseball bat and some jumper cables.
Josh Holden promised to kill his wife
Josh then left, taking their daughter to school, but not before promising to kill her on his return. He said the attack was “just a taste” of what she was going to get. Lisa then fled into the woods with their two other children.
When Lisa was taken to hospital, the doctors discovered injuries on her that dated back years. Josh was subsequently arrested, but amazingly, he was released after a judge lowered his bail from $750,000 to $100,000.
Watch the Latest on our YouTube ChannelLisa and the hospital staff feared that Josh would come looking for her, so they transferred her into a locked room. Despite being fitted with a GPS monitoring bracelet, the sadistic brute did go searching for his wife. Thankfully, he didn’t know which hospital she was in, so he eventually abandoned his hunt.
In January 2013, Josh Holden was sent to prison for 40 years, but he will be eligible for parole after 20.
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Dead Silent airs at 9/8c on Investigation Discovery.
He should have to serve his full sentence. No Parole. EVER. He’s a danger to the public.
I am so sick of these judges who set low bonds for domestic violence. It has been proven that a woman is in the most danger when she leaves her abuser. Thank God she is one of the few women who share their survival story. I pray she is now living a happy life.