Brandi Worley: Cheating mom who murdered her two children, Tyler, 7, and Charlee, 3, after husband Jason filed for divorce

Brandi Worley mugshot
Brandi Worley murdered her children, Tyler and Charlee Worley. Pic credit: Indiana Department of Corrections

Brandi Worley is behind bars for murdering her children, Tyler and Charlee, at their home in Darlington, Indiana, after her husband said he was divorcing her.

On Nov. 16, 2016, Brandi and her children spent the day with her mother until it was time to take Charlee, 3, to dance practice. Her husband of seven years, Jason, met them there after he got off from work.

He worked as a software engineer.

By the time they made it home, it was time for dinner. Afterward, Brandi told Jason that Tyler, 7, who attended Sugar Creek Elementary, was working on a school project, and he needed pipe cleaners.

Brandi said she was going to go to Walmart to get them. When she returned home, she joined her family in the living room area, but it wasn’t long before Jason put them to bed.

When everyone was sleeping, Brandi went to Tyler’s room, where she had hidden a knife earlier that day, and invited him to Charlee’s room for a sleepover.

It was there that she straddled her son and stabbed him repeatedly in the neck, which woke up her daughter. Charlee asked her mother what she was doing, and she said, “nothing.”

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Charlee went back to sleep, but just a short time later, Brandi jabbed the knife into her neck multiple times.

Brandi Worley’s 911 call after killing children

When both of her children were dead, Brandi stabbed herself in the neck in an attempt to take her own life.

She then called 911.

At 4:33 a.m. on Nov. 17, 2016, a 911 dispatcher, Kyle Proctor, answered the call, which lasted 15 minutes. He asked, “What’s going on there?”

In a calm voice with no emotion, Brandi said, “I just stabbed myself, and I killed my two children.”

She told him that Tyler and Charlee’s bodies were on the floor of her daughter’s bedroom, and she was calling from the living room area.

When Proctor asked why she decided to kill her children, Brandi said that her husband had asked for a divorce the previous day, and she didn’t want him to take Tyler and Charlee.

Proctor mentioned the injury to her neck and asked if she was bleeding. She said yes, and that there was blood everywhere.

Later in the call, Brandi said she was tired because she had taken a lot of Benadryl.

Brandi Worley’s mother showed up during 911 call

At some point, Brandi’s mother arrived at the house. That’s when Brandi gave her the phone. 

While she was talking to Proctor, he asked her to check on the children to make sure Brandi was telling the truth about murdering her children.

The woman walked to Charlee’s bedroom and saw that the children were dead, then she became hysterical. 

She said, “My babies,” and “I just don’t know.”

Some media outlets did not release the part where you can hear Brandi’s mother screaming after she found her grandchildren’s bodies.

The Reddit post that claimed Brandi had an affair with the neighbor

About a month before the murders, Jason reportedly made a lengthy post on Reddit, discussing his wife’s infidelity and how he was having difficulties dealing with it.

Jason stated that in May 2015, he noticed that his wife’s phone was suddenly protected with a password. When he asked about it, she told him that she was planning a surprise for Father’s Day.

She later told him that she had hired a contractor to build a home office for him as a gift, and she didn’t want him to find out about it.

He said she also told him that she felt guilty about keeping that from him, which struck him as odd.

Some time had passed, and Jason said he noticed that Brandi’s phone was still password protected. He would also catch her “smiling to herself” while she was texting on the phone.

When he asked her about it, she said it was nothing, but something didn’t sit right with him.

Brandi Worley’s neighbor was confronted by her husband

Jason said that while she was in the shower, he quickly grabbed her phone before it locked. When he looked through it, he was shocked to learn that she had been texting their neighbor.

It was the same neighbor who Brandi had hired to build his home office.

There was only one message, and it said, “I am all covered in frosting, wanna lick it off?”

He later found out that she had programmed her phone to delete messages.

Jason said that when he checked her location using Google Timeline, he realized she was turning her GPS off. That’s when he duped her into believing he was installing new anti-virus software on her phone.

Tyler and Charlee Worley photo
Tyler and Charlee Worley were murdered by their mother, Brandi Worley. Pic credit: Family photo

He was actually installing anti-theft software so that he could control her GPS. Then he set up the AT&T message backup and restore, so that he could read all of her text messages.

One day, Jason said the neighbor, his girlfriend, and their son were at their home, but it wasn’t long before Brandi, and the girlfriend went to their local movie theater.

The neighbor and his son stayed behind.

Jason said that’s when Brandi and the neighbor started sending each other sexually explicit messages. They also talked about the next time they would meet up for sex.

Jason Worley: Brandi Worley’s husband testifies

When Brandi returned from the movie theater, he told her and the neighbor to have a seat in the living room area, where he confronted them both.

He also told her that he was leaving her.

Jason said, “She tells me that she will make sure I never see my kids again if I do. She planned on using the fact that I had attempted suicide in high school to prove me unfit to have the children.”

Out of fear of losing his children, Jason said he didn’t end their marriage, but on Nov. 15, 2016, he told her he was filing for a divorce. And while he was asleep in the basement, Brandi murdered their children.

During the trial, Jason relayed that information to the court when he testified. He also said his children were his life.

Jason went on to describe his children. He said Tyler “was one of those (people) who could walk into a room of strangers and walk out with 20 new friends.”

He then mentioned his daughter, who he said loved “dressing up and having her hair braided.”

Where is Brandi Worley now?

Brandi was arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder. Police officials said that before the incident, she did not have a criminal record.

She was transported to the IU Health Methodist Hospital, where she was treated for her self-inflicted neck wounds for more than a week.

When she was discharged from the hospital, she was booked into the Montgomery County Jail, where she was held without bond.

Brandi initially pleaded not guilty, and she had planned to use the insanity defense, but she later took a plea deal.

In January 2018, she pleaded guilty, and a Montgomery County judge sentenced Brandi to 120 years in prison.

She is currently serving her sentence at the Indiana Women’s Prison in Indianapolis, and her earliest possible release date is May 2106.

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